Monday, August 23, 2010

Un poquito de todo (A little bit of everything)

So I haven't posted pictures in a while and the kids do so many cute memorable things, it's hard to keep up with "blogging", at least for me. So here, have a look at different shots, from the summer.

Noah said "Here Weston, here is your spot!".

Getting out of bed, ready for breakfast... Is like a nest back there in that head!

No comments on this pizza, besides the fact that it was homemade, that my kitchen aid is great, and that it was a chicken, bacon and extra cheese pizza!

Can it get any clearer than this? If Noah or anyone asks, "Weston said no". note: his bedroom door, closed.

During the summer Weston was a great help, big brother like most of the time. He helped his little brother get dressed in the morning... Please appreciate the colors!!!!!!!!!!

And let me just say that the following pics are my first shots with my new cam and lens... . Love the new additions! (did no editing)

"Let's play Super Mario Bros Daddy!"

Ps. we were about to leave to a bday party, and it happened to be that they were all wearing white, as the party was at 4pm outside (light colors bounce off sun rays, right?... it was about 200 degrees that day!!!!

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