Friday, December 23, 2011


For Christmas, I worked on a little project, to give as a gift, to my aunts and uncles. I made "Encurtido" or pickled vegetables, in a jar. People in Honduras, or at least my family, would eat this with their meals. It is a little spicy and people like that.
I didn't get to take a picture of the final prduct, with the twine, ribbon, and card. I was happy to make this for the first time. I even sent a small jar with my parents, to my sister and fam in Miami, and the reviews are...that they ate it all fast and they wanted more, AND my sister didn't even get to taste it!
I hope the rest of the fam liked it or will like it. I know they wanted it "to age" a little, so it could be spicier!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Snuggly spot

Boys will be boys! So, I don't know how this decision was made, but I guess Weston thought it would comfy to snuggle in the clean clothes basket while watching a show...
I proceeded to take the picture and then told him to get out of the CLEAN clothes basket! And yes, I did think it was funny... I do have a sense of humor.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Rooms' switch

For Thanksgiving weekend we had already planned we were going to do a big switch of rooms, in the house. We were moving the kids room to where the office/playroom was, and that one to where the kids' room was. So we woke up early and started moving the things out from the kids room, so we could paint. So all Friday was mostly focused on leaving that room ready for Saturday. Then Saturday we moved things in to where the office is, and then by the end of the day, we quickly just put the furniture in the kids' room and left it.
We still have to paint and rearrange that one. Maybe another 2 day weekend?

As the kids where helping, I asked them to bring the puzzles to the office, where to toys will be... so the picture below shows how they were bringing in the puzzles....
And then, the picture of Wes.... He just likes those necklaces... And of course, something was really funny...

Here is how the shelves turned out. Much cleaner than before. Sorry, no more pics.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dads and Donuts (or Grandpa)

It was Dads and Donuts at school, and Wally talked to Weston days before, explaining that he was not going to be able to be there, because of work, (and possible lays offs). We all thought of asking my dad, since his work schedule and location are convenient, were he could be able to go with Weston and not miss work or drive a long distance... SO Weston asked my dad and he agreed and picked up Weston that morning and took him to school.
(Wally was able to go last year, and maybe next year, we ask Grandpa Parker to go...)

Making bread

I wanted to try a new recipe for making bread, that I got from Wally's mom. Of course, I have 2 little helpers that most of the time want to help, or "see".

Weston is looking at what my mixer is doing, and Noah is looking at Weston to see how he reacts to what's happening....

 Noah follows his brother... So he sees that Weston is laughing at what's going on, so he laughs too!

THIS is what's going on... the dough is starting to come out of the mixer!!!

Here is the "not so good" final product. I wanted to follow the recipe exactly and so I didn't follow my common sense. The bread was inthe oven for too long, with high temperature.

Friday, November 11, 2011

My dad, Nelson Ortiz's birthday

On 11/11/11, my dad, Nelson Ortiz, turned 61 and we celebrated in a small way with his brothers and mother. We had dinner and cake.

My dad and my boys.

Wally and I.

My grandma, Mama Lolita, and I.

We talked...

 We laughed...

Weston played in the computer ( Noah was tired and y mom took him to bed...)

The siblings (missing Freling, in Honduras)

With some of the spouses...

I made an Upside-down Pineapple Cake... one of my dad's favorite, OR his favorite. It might not look that delicious, but it was! I need another excuse to make it again!


Singing Happy Birthday...

My dad and I (mi papi)

We had a fun and calm evening. My brother and family couldn't make it.

What markers can do


Noah didn't want me to take the picture and he was already starting to wipe out the marker from his face. And he has red eyebrows from crying because he scared me and himself when he saw his face like that! He had a lot of brown on his face.... It happened in a matter of seconds...

And when Weston came from school, I showed him the picture of Noah and what he had done to himself, and told him that Noah was sad because he looked scary, and so Weston didn't want his brother to be alone on this.....

He wanted Noah to feel better...

Monday, October 31, 2011


On Monday Oct. 31, 2011, we had planned to eat dinner with our good friends., the Wettstein's, and then we had planned on going trick or treating. So we met at their home, and ate, and then went trick or treating.
I was spooked by someone that seamed fake! I got over it after a few days! We had a great time together!

These are our superheroes: Noah, the Power Ranger, Weston is Superman, Emma is Super Emma?, and Liam is Captain America!

 Here is my good friend Claudia and I with some of the kids (Liam not in pic).

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Another tooth

It is the 3rd tooth he looses. I am not a big fan of pulling them, and the 3 of them have fallen the easiest of ways! This one went like this. On a normal morning, before school, Weston was having cereal. I was talking to him and he said: "oh, there's my tooth". And that was it. It came out while eating. Oh, and have I ever mentioned that he LOVES laughing??!!!!
This picture was taken a couple of days later, and I said: "Weston, let me take a picture of you missing your tooth". And that was my joke for him! Can you see his liver and small intestine from there?!

"Trunk or Treat"

Saturday October 29, 2011. We went to the "Trunk or Treat" activity at the church. They had dinner and the kids and I went around the parking lot and got candy from the families in the cars. It was fun!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Things to remember

This is Noah pretending to fall asleep...

                                                           This is Weston laughing hard... (p.s that is yellow gum in his mouth... and you might even be able to see his intestines from there!)

The boys wanted to sit down with their bears (they got them from Wally when they were born). Those are all "the boys" we have. Weston, Noah, Bears, and Dino.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Little things

Noah likes to draw circles, but also he likes to CREATE circles. This has NO help or guidance from me. I was doing something else and I came back to the room and saw this. How creative! He used up all the little toys from the toy basket, the couch pillows, and even the basket, to make his circle. It deserved a picture!

This is Weston's work of art. This drawing has been taped on the wall for a few mohts now. I always saw it but never knew what it was, until I took it down. I wanted to remember Weston's drawings, so I took a picture. Well, it was taped right under a frame that has a picture of Weston and Noah... and what was his picture about? He drew part of the photograph! It is him sitting on a big tire, at a park. I wished I would've taken a picture of the picture (photograph)! He is also very creative and has a great imagination!!

I love all of your little things Weston and Noah!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Trying to bond...

In the summer, we had our greatest "vacation" of the year... My sister and her family came to spend a whole month with us! What a treat! So, last year that I met Priscilla, she was 8 months old. This time she came again, she was a year and a half... sooo, she didn't remember me and didn't want to come with me! But I was not ok with that. Every day I tried to find ways of making her like me. One of the first things we did was a manicure (no pictures?), but another one was a pedicure. What girl doesn't like that?! She liked it and we were able to bond. OK, it took more than a few things for her to warm up to me. She is one of my little princesses. I love you Priscilla!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Smile now!

Not MY best shot, but a cute one of one of my little princesses. I loved doing Priscilla's hair and this was taken right after. Maybe you can't see it good, but in person it looked really cute!

p.s. I didn't want the close-up to be THAT close!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Good-luck birds?

These two little birds, all of a sudden one day, started to come to our front door and sleep there. One day, I opened the door and thought that a bird flew out of somewhere by the door. How can they have a nest on an inch wide space...?? I thought it couldn't be... until it happened again. Another time, Wally noticed two little birds right above the front door. Every evening they came, and every early morning they left. It happened for about a month. Then one left. After a few days, the other left too, and they never came back.....

Friday, May 6, 2011


This year we finally acted on signing up the kids for a sport. Weston wanted soccer and we thought of letting Noah play too.  So there is Noah and Daddy on first day. Wally also was asked if he wanted to volunteer as a coach, and he said it was fine, and they tossed a coach shirt at him and gave them some things and told him to start coaching!
Wally helping one of his team players.

Weston was so excitd to start his practice. He didn't want girls in his team, and when we met his team, half of them were girls! Two fo them (twins) go to his school, so he kind of knows them.
During practice...

During the game...

Referee telling Wes how to throw the ball to someone on his team...

He is so excited to play. And as you notice, on their first day, we didn't have shin guards....So during half game, Wes got kicked right on, and it hurt....and if you know Weston, he did cried and then didn't want to play the rest of the game....